Package-level declarations


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class ComposeStateCallbacks<T, R, U, V>(    a: StateCallback<T, R, U>,     b: StateCallback<T, U, V>) : StateCallback<T, R, V>

An implementation of StateCallback that composes two other state callbacks. Consider that we were only dealing with regular functions, this would give:

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class EitherBranch<T>(val expectations: List<Expectation<T, *>>)

A branch for the ExpectedEither expectation.

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abstract class Expectation<T, in R>(val stateCallback: StateCallback<T, R, *>? = null)

General class for an expectation.

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An expectation that takes the result of some branches.

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class ExpectedEmitConstant<T, R>(    value: R,     stateCallback: StateCallback<T, R, *>?) : Expectation<T, R> , HandlesTokenDrought

An expectation that always matches and always emits the provided value.

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An expectation that only matches if the current position is the end of the input.

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class ExpectedLookahead<T>(    lookaheadExpectations: List<Expectation<Nothing, *>>) : Expectation<T, Nothing> , HandlesTokenDrought

A "look-ahead" branch. Similar to lookaheads in regular expressions, ExpectedLookahead will verify expectations, but not advanced the "cursor" to the next token. You can think of it as check against "what will come next", while staying where we are.

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class ExpectedNode<T, R>(    node: ParserNodeDeclaration<R>,     stateCallback: StateCallback<T, R, *>? = null) : Expectation<T, R>

An expectation that expects another node to be present at this point.

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class ExpectedOptional<T, R>(    expectations: List<Expectation<T, R>>) : Expectation<T, R> , HandlesTokenDrought

An optional branch. This expectation is always met (always returns a success), even when we have run out of tokens.

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class ExpectedRepeated<T, R>(    minIterations: Int?,     maxIterations: Int?,     repeatableExpectations: List<Expectation<RepeatedItemReceiver<R>, *>>,     stateCallback: StateCallback<T, List<R>, *>?) : Expectation<T, List<R>> , HandlesTokenDrought

A repeated branch that runs 0+ iterations of some expectations and collects the results into a list. Said list can then be stored in the model results.

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class ExpectedToken<T>(    tokenType: TokenType,     withValue: String? = null,     stateCallback: StateCallback<T, String, *>? = null) : Expectation<T, String>

An expectation that expects a token to be present at this point.

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When an expectation is also of type HandlesTokenDrought, it means that the expectation should be called even when running out of tokens.

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data class NodeParameterKey<in T, in R>(val outputType: KType, val name: String)

A key used when storing state within Niwen parsers.

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data class RawKey(val outputType: KType, val name: String)

An escape hatch for NodeParameterKey's harsh typing restrictions.

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Receiver interface for the content of a repeated { } block.

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fun interface StateCallback<T, in R, U>

A callback for manipulating and invoking side effects with state information.

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class StoreStateCallback<T, R>(storeValueIn: NodeParameterKey<T, R>) : StateCallback<T, R, R>

An implementation of StateCallback that stores values in the key specified in storeValueIn.

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class TransformStateCallback<T, R, U>(transformer: (R) -> U) : StateCallback<T, R, U>

An implementation of StateCallback that transforms incoming state using the provided transformer.


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Create a NodeParameterKey for the provided property.

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fun <T, R> StateCallback<T, R, *>?.createStoreMap(value: R): Map<NodeParameterKey<T, *>, Any?>

Create a store map and evaluate this state callback. The map is returned.

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inline fun <T, R> key(name: String): NodeParameterKey<T, R>

Create a NodeParameterKey from the provided name and types.

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fun <T, R> StateCallback<T, R, *>?.withStoreMap(value: R, currIndex: Int, handler: (Map<NodeParameterKey<T, *>, Any?>) -> ExpectationResult<T>): ExpectationResult<T>

Create a store map (using createStoreMap) and call the provided handler, returning an ExpectationResult.