
Entry point for the Tegral DI DSL, used to build an injection environment.

The lambda passed in this function receives an EnvironmentContextBuilderDsl object, which can be used to add elements to the built environment.

This entry point is compatible with installable extensions.

fun <E : InjectionEnvironment> tegralDi(    environmentKind: InjectionEnvironmentKind<E>,     builder: ContextBuilderDsl.() -> Unit): E

Entry point for the Tegral DI DSL, used to build an injection environment.

The lambda passed in this function receives an EnvironmentContextBuilderDsl object, which can be used to add elements to the built environment.

This variation of the tegralDi function allows you to specify a custom environment kind (see InjectionEnvironmentKind for more information).

This entry point is NOT compatible with installable extensions.



The environment builder that should be used.

fun <E : ExtensibleInjectionEnvironment> tegralDi(    environmentKind: ExtensibleInjectionEnvironmentKind<E>,     metaEnvironmentKind: InjectionEnvironmentKind<*> = EagerImmutableMetaEnvironment,     builder: ExtensibleContextBuilderDsl.() -> Unit): E

Entry point for the Tegral DI DSL, used to build an injection environment.

The lambda passed in this function receives an EnvironmentContextBuilderDsl object, which can be used to add elements to the built environment.

This variation of the tegralDi function allows you to specify a custom environment kind (see InjectionEnvironmentKind for more information).

This entry point is compatible with installable extensions.



The environment builder that should be used.