
DSL interface for configurating Tegral applications.



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abstract val configSources: MutableList<ConfigSource>

List of all the Hoplite configuration sources that will be used to load this application.


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Applies sane defaults to the given application builder. Specifically, this function:

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abstract fun <T> install(featureBuilder: FeatureBuilder<T>)

Adds a feature that will be installed in the application upon build.

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Install the feature onto this application.

fun <T> TegralApplicationDsl.install(feature: Feature<T>, configBlock: T.(FeatureContext) -> Unit)

Install the feature onto this application, additionally configuring it with the provided lambda.

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abstract fun meta(action: ContextBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)
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abstract fun <T : Any> put(declaration: Declaration<T>)
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abstract fun useConfiguration(configuration: ConfigLoaderBuilder.() -> Unit)

Configures the ConfigLoaderBuilder used to load application configuration using the given lambda.

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abstract fun <T : RootConfig> useConfigurationClass(configClass: KClass<T>, configuration: ConfigLoaderBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Sets the class to use for loading the configuration classes and optionally applies custom logic to the Hoplite ConfigLoaderBuilder instance.

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inline fun <T : RootConfig> TegralApplicationDsl.useConfigurationType(noinline configuration: ConfigLoaderBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Equivalent to TegralApplicationDsl.useConfigurationClass, but uses a reified type instead.