
Builder for PathsDsl.


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constructor(context: OpenApiDslContext)


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open override fun build(): Paths
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open infix override fun String.delete(path: OperationDsl.() -> Unit)

Adds a path with the given string and creates a "DELETE" operation on it.

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open infix override fun String.get(path: OperationDsl.() -> Unit)

Adds a path with the given string and creates a "GET" operation on it.

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open infix override fun String.head(path: OperationDsl.() -> Unit)

Adds a path with the given string and creates a "HEAD" operation on it.

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open operator override fun String.invoke(path: PathDsl.() -> Unit)

Adds a path with the given string and registers any operations defined in the block.

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open infix override fun String.options(path: OperationDsl.() -> Unit)

Adds a path with the given string and creates a "OPTIONS" operation on it.

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open infix override fun String.patch(path: OperationDsl.() -> Unit)

Adds a path with the given string and creates a "PATCH" operation on it.

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open infix override fun OperationDsl.() -> Unit)

Adds a path with the given string and creates a "POST" operation on it.

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open infix override fun String.put(path: OperationDsl.() -> Unit)

Adds a path with the given string and creates a "PUT" operation on it.