
Interface for common utilities in test Tegral DI environments, such as UnsafeMutableEnvironment. This is mostly intended to ease writing interfaces that combine further DSLs into a single interface (such as ControllerTestContext from Tegral Web Controllers).



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The components that have been registered in this environment.

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abstract fun <T : Any> createInjector(identifier: Identifier<T>, onInjection: (T) -> Unit): Injector<T>
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open fun <T : Any> get(identifier: Identifier<T>): T
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abstract fun <T : Any> getOrNull(identifier: Identifier<T>): T?
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abstract fun <T : Any> getResolverOrNull(identifier: Identifier<T>): IdentifierResolver<T>?
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abstract fun <T : Any> put(declaration: Declaration<T>)